What’s The Difference Between Bees and Wasps?

Many people use the terms bees and wasps interchangeably in conversation. Yet, they are fairly different. They may have a similar color scheme and make the same buzzing sound, but when it comes to their stinging power and way of life, they are quite different. It is important to know the difference between both insects, so you use proper treatment of wounds and appropriate pest control like Little Giant Beekeepers. Once you know what you’re dealing with, a portal of answers opens up.

Beloved Bees

There are many types of bees in the United States and they commonly make their appearance during warm weather. They come out of hiding in the springtime, busily collecting nectar from all of the sprouting flowers. They remain active in the summer and well into the fall. The most common types are honey bees, bumblebees, and carpenter bees. Bees do a lot of good work to maintain our delicate ecosystem. That’s why Little Giant Beekeepers is passionate about offering live bee removal services. With our bee removal services, we can protect our communities and these amazing little insects.

What Do Bees Look Like

Bumblebees and carpenter bees are rounder in shape and they are black and yellow as the media frequently depicts bees. Honey bees are banded orange-yellow and brown to black and appear to be very hairy. Fun fact, their fuzziness actually helps them collect nectar. Honey bees are the most common type of bee that you will encounter. All types of bees range from a quarter of an inch to an inch long!

Bee Gone 

You might have heard about bees dying after they sting you. This is typically true for honey bees because they leave their stinger in you. By leaving the stinger, they are also leaving part of their digestive tract. They won’t sting you unless they are around their nest and they sense a threat to their home. While they are away from their nest, they are less aggressive. They will sting if they feel threatened, so avoid swatting at them and they will leave you unharmed. However, once you mess with a bee it’s no joke. The stinger they leave behind continues to pump venom into your veins. Removing the stinger is painful and so is the aftermath. Swelling and itchiness accompany the wound and the symptoms can last for a couple of days.

A Bug’s Life

Honey bee colonies can have a population of over 75,000. Queen bees procreate, while the worker bees take care of the nest. They do not hibernate because they have thousands of bees that preserve food and keep each other warm. Their main function is collecting nectar and creating honey.

Watch Out for the Wasps

Queen wasps will begin building and populating their nest in April. By June or July, the colony is fully populated. There can be up to 10,000 wasps. This is a much smaller number compared to bees. Due to the smaller amount, they are unable to keep each other warm during the winter. They also don’t gather as much food for all of them to survive until the next summer. They hibernate in the winter, usually in deep crevasses.

Wasps’ Appearance and Habits

Wasps are narrow-waisted and black. Some of them have bright yellow, white, or orange markings. They don’t have much hair unlike bees, and they are half an inch to an inch long. The most common type of wasps is yellow jackets and paper wasps, with yellow jackets being the shortest. Wasps can not produce honey. They still feed on nectar and other types of sugar, and their larvae are fed bits of insects.

Do Not Mess with a Wasp

Unlike honey bees, wasps do not give up after they sting you once. They keep their stinger attached and can sting multiple times in the same spot. They are much more aggressive than bees and will sting you if you get close to their nest or just stumble upon them. The stings of wasps and bees alike can severely threaten your life if you are allergic. They are a force not to be reckoned with without the help of professionals. For your safety, give LGB a call and enlist our wasp removal experts to take care of the job quickly and efficiently.

Little Giant Beekeepers to the Rescue

If you ever see bees or wasps congregating inside or outside your home, call us right away. Our team is well trained and equipped to remove wasps, bees, and other stinging insects. We will do it in a safe and timely manner. If there is one thing that bees and wasps have in common, it is their commitment to protecting their nest. Hiring a professional bee removal team near you, like Little Giant Beekeepers, is the best way to get rid of this hive. Give us a call today and we will be happy to help!

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Got Bees?

Don’t let little bees become a giant problem! Contact Little Giant Beekeepers.