Bee Removal Services
How Can We Help You?
Little Giant Beekeepers provides bee and wasp removal services throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.
We also offer Live Bee Hive Removal Services because we feel it is important to save honey bees whenever possible. Through the use of specialized bee vacs, we can safely extract the hive from any structure and transport the bees to a local apiary.
Little Giant Beekeepers & Bee Removal Specialists also offers a turn-key service. If the bees reside inside your home, we will cut open the area, dig out all the bees, wax, honey, and larvae. We wash the area with soap and water. Then, we refill the space with insulation. Finally, we replace any materials taken from your home, leaving it exactly as we found it.
All beehive removals are guaranteed with a two-year warranty. Please call a professional at the first sign of a bee infestation to avoid this problem.

Full Hive Removal
A full hive removal is usually only necessary if the bee infestation has occurred within 4-6 weeks. However, in the summer months, bees work quickly and we often see honey inside the space after just 1 week. Sometimes, bees will inhabit a structure for long periods of time. In these cases, the bees have built up a substantial amount of wax, honey, and larvae. If the bees are eliminated and the hive is left inside the structure, not only will the wax and honey melt, causing possible damage to the inside of your home, but it draws numerous pests. We always recommend a hive removal or cleanup whenever honey is present.
Bees hibernate in the winter and swarm every spring. Swarms mean a beehive has grown too large. So when a new queen hatches, she takes part of the old hive and leaves to find a new home. Swarming is a frequent occurrence in early spring. Bees love to burrow inside trees, attics, and eaves of homes. Oftentimes, bees will stop to rest on a tree branch before continuing on to find shelter. When Little Giant Beekeepers removes a swarm, we strive to keep every bee alive as we relocate them to a safe area or a local beekeeper.
If you’re a hobby beekeeper, please ask us about available swarms.

Safe and Humane Bee Removal
Protecting bees and keeping your property safe. With over 45 years of experience, Little Giant Beekeepers is your trusted choice for humane and effective bee removal in North Texas.
Contact UsWhat Should I Do If I See A Swarm?
A swarm is a large group of bees looking for a new home. They appear as a giant clump of bees that fly and rest together. Bee swarms can be seen in open spaces, and often rest in trees or yards. Swarms are usually docile. They are more interested in finding a new home than bothering humans. That being said, they can land in unsafe places and stay there for days. If you see this phenomenon, that means the queen bee is resting while the scout bees are out looking for a new home. If the swarm doesn’t move on promptly, it is best to call Little Giant Beekeepers to remove the swarm and relocate it safely to an apiary. If you choose to let the swarm stay on your premises, be aware of scout bees flying around your home. They are looking for a permanent place to create their colony. This can often be in a tree, on the roof, or inside the eaves of your house. Once that happens, the bee removal process becomes more difficult. It is easier to remove a swarm than a colony that has already moved in.
We Can Get Rid Of Stinging Insects
Yellow Jackets
European and Southern yellow jackets are smaller than honey bees but differ because they are hairless, fast, and feed on other insects instead of flowers. Their bite is also more painful and they can sting you repeatedly. They’re more active in the fall and are commonly found in woodpiles, burrowed in the ground, or the little weep holes around your home.
Wasps are large reddish insects with a painful sting. Wasps like to hibernate for the winter in your chimney, attic, and eaves of your home. They are a real nuisance in the spring, summer, and fall months.
Learn more about our Dallas area wasp control services
Carpenter Bees
Most species of Carpenter Bees are entirely black. They prefer to make their nests in old wooden objects that are unpainted or unstained. They will tunnel into roof eaves and overhangs, window sills, railings, fences, bamboo, even lawn furniture. Carpenter bees do not eat the wood. They will use it to build partitions in their nests then discard the rest. One can identify a Carpenter Bee problem by the little piles of sawdust around the entrance to their nest.
In the Dallas/Fort Worth area, we are also occasionally bothered by bumblebees and cicada killer wasps.